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Levieta60 Asked March 2016

Assistance in replacing my heat pump?

My heat pump has died and I don't make enough money to get a new one. Is there a program that will pay for a replacement

Jinx4740 Mar 2016
How old are you? Would a reverse mortgage help? They are dangerous, but if you make enough income to pay the taxes, the reverse mortgage can give you extra income. There will be little or no equity to leave to your heirs, but you could stay in your own home.

Before you do anything ask two different people you trust to help you keep from being defrauded. Finances are so complicated these days!

pamstegma Mar 2016
If you are low income and elderly, check with your local building inspector. Some municipalities have funding sources available for your type of need.


freqflyer Mar 2016
I am not familiar with any program that helps a homeowner with such repairs. Maybe someone else on the forum might know.

My take is when a house starts becoming too expensive to maintain, it is time to sell and move into something more affordable. Right now the heat pump went, next could be the plumbing or a major appliance or the roof.


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