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bls0901 Asked March 2016

Can we keep social security check after mom dies?

Moms SS comes the 27th of the month. If mom passes away before the check comes do we keep it? Or do we send $$ back? Same question for VA Aid and Dependance?

EaseLiving Mar 2016
They will take the SS money out of the account before the ink has even dried on the death certificate. I don't know how they do that but it has happened with every death in my family.

bls0901 Mar 2016
When my mother mom had her SS# stolen and the thief changed where her money went I thought that the SS people told me that money that she got at the end of the month was for that month ending. Certainly seems a stupid way of doing it, medication invoice will come early the next month and will need to be paid.


Eyerishlass Mar 2016
My dad died in the middle of the month and his social security check for the next month wasn't deposited. The SSA knows when someone dies.

irishboy Mar 2016
You have to pay it back, my mother died on the 30th of the month, I kid you not at the funeral home one of the things they discussed was paying the money back.

Nansacola Mar 2016
The VA will send you a bill for their check. Do not spend either check.

pamstegma Mar 2016
If it is direct deposited SS finds out in a day or two. They track death certificates and reverse the transaction.

bls0901 Mar 2016
Thank you all for your responses. You have so many questions on so many things.

anonymous158299 Mar 2016
i concur with brandywine . the funeral directors are great with those kind of answers and will in fact help you with all kind of legal stuff . life insurance policies and such .

freqflyer Mar 2016
Since social security checks are automatic deposits, if said check lands into the checking or saving account, the U.S. government will eventually remove said amount from the account.

brandywine1949 Mar 2016
To be on the legal side and do the right thing, you should ask your local social security office or the funeral home director. I know it would seem okay to keep the money, but the gov't is not a forgiving outfit and you could be in trouble.


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