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Kay1948 Asked March 2016

Mom (93) has dementia and continually asks to go home, even writes notes. What should we say to her?

Mom's health require for her to be in a care facility. She has not been left alone for over 3 years. She recently spent 2 weeks in hospital, then was transferred to Hospice. She got better and was transferred to a care facility. She thinks she is in rehabilitation place. Should we tell her she has dementia? She is getting very impatient and says she is going home. Physically she is better but it would not be safe for her to go home alone.

mbld3207 Mar 2016
I try the technique "meet them where they are" as much as possible and it does help. When mom said she wanted to go home, I asked her ,"what she would like to do at home?" She said she didn't really know but it was enough to get her on a different track. Sometimes it works.

freqflyer Mar 2016
Kay, please note that many with dementia will ask to go home.... but the "home" they are referring to is usually their childhood home, not their last known residence.

My Mom at 98 was asking to go home but we knew which home she meant as she would ask if the cattle were out in the field. The last home where there was cattle was back in the 1940's and prior.

So anytime my Mom would ask to go home, I would keep it simple and say "maybe tomorrow" as by the time tomorrow had rolled around she would have forgotten she had requested same.


yogagirl Mar 2016
When mom asks me anything, I always say,
"That is a great question, let's ask the doctor tomorrow."

Windyridge Mar 2016
You can't convince someone with dementia they have dementia because they have DEMENTIA. Their mind and reasoning are just not there. Read about how to deal with dementia on this site. Use some fibbing, distract her, whatever it takes to calm her.


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