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jignesh Asked March 2016

My father and grandmother are domestically-violent towards my mother. Any solutions?

I want to peace in my home? My grandmother is very cruel to my mom.I want to solution this matter.

97yroldmom Mar 2016
I'm sorry that you and your mother are in an abusive household. Due to the three generations mentioned, I wondered if you were a teenager or an adult? Are there children in the household? Abuse rarely stops without intervention and the entire family is being damaged. If you are an adult and don't take action you are in some ways complicit. If you see the abuse and don't get help it's like you are agreeing with the abusers. You are potentially in a frightening and dangerous situation. What you do next really matters. There are sites online that give advice. I'm glad you contacted this site but don't let posting here keep you from taking the action that might help your mother. Others have mentioned the police and I agree. If after intervention the two of them don't settle down, get mom to agree to leave with you. You may have to start in a shelter but regardless, what you are going through is no way to live. Read all you can about next steps. Be very careful. If it's verbal abuse, walk away. If it's physical abuse call the police. Best of luck to you.

Eddie Mar 2016

If your mom is in fact a total victim who gets abused for no reason at all, file a report with the police. But if it takes 3 to tango then call the cops the next time they start laying their hands on each other. Have them all arrested. Maybe an overnight stay at the local precinct will cool them off for a while.


vstefans Mar 2016
Jig - Does grandmother have dementia? Sorry your family life is not happy and you are in the midst of it. If you are a young person and being abused yourself, get help from protective services or any adult in your life you can trust. If mom is in danger of being physically hurt, or already has been, getting the both of you out to a shelter for DV victims would be ideal...

staceyb Mar 2016
You must take your Father aside and lay it on the line! Either he is kind and supportive or you will take your Mom out of the dander, as you won't allow any more violence or cruelty against her. He is to treat her with Love, kindness and respect or the next time, you will call the Police, and have him or Grandmother arrested! No more abuse! Stick to your principles! Good luck!

cwillie Mar 2016
This is a multi generational home, you live there as well?
Your father and his mother are not likely to change, your mother will never be a good enough daughter-in-law and your father feels filial responsibility to side with his mother. If he loved and respected his wife he would have put his mother in her place long ago.
Is your concern for your mother, or are you merely bothered because you have to live amongst continuous animosity? I know of one sure cure for your mother and you, get out. Counselling may help both of you to learn how to set boundaries in future relationships to avoid repeating the same patterns.


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