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adrose1 Asked April 2016

Are there any agencies that have someone that will come stay with my dad for 4-5 days so I can take a vacation with my family?

My dad is blind and mostly deaf, except for a cochlear implant in one ear and wheelchair bound due to meningitis last May 2015. He needs assistance dressing, getting on the toilet. He has a catheter that needs draining, meds given, getting in and out of bed, cutting food, getting drinks, basically everything. He would not do well in a unfamiliar environment but I desperately need a break and a vacation with my family.

freqflyer Apr 2016
I can understand the need to get away as caregiving can be exhausting. You could call around to some of the caregiver Agencies to see if they have employees who are familiar with caring for someone similar to your Dad. I would bring the person in a couple days before you are ready to leave so the caregivers can get familiar with the routine. Chances are the Agency would send over 3-shifts.

cwillie Apr 2016
With his high needs I would think he needs skilled nursing care. It would probably be cheaper to take him to an appropriate facility for a respite stay than to hire 24/7 in home care. Put it to him that you are both going away for a holiday. Who knows, he may actually like his time there and want to stay!



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