Mom (83) with dementia. She has signed to donate her house to me and my 2 sisters. She doesn't want us to have to open succession after she is gone. I asked my older sister to go in and sign the paperwork so it could be recorded in the courts. She is refusing to sign and being nasty about it.
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It is very expensive to correct mistakes.
Dad changed title on grannny's house
many years ago. It took a hearing and
lawyer with a big fee to fix it.
If she gives away the house, you have to pay for the Nursing Home!!
Medicaid would instantly reject the application!!
After the fact, Medicaid will want to be paid, thus if your Mom has a house, then Medicaid can place a lien on said house. Anything that is donated or given to others within a 5 year look back on finances could cause a major
Have you spoken to an Elder Law attorney or barrister to see if this transferring of the Deed is the right thing to do?