My father made me POA once he was diagnosed with damentia. A woman who we all know, went to him and told him I was going to put him in a home. I never said that and I don't want to unless it becomes neccessary. We just got him out of the hospital and the diagnosis was withdrawal. He was not taking his medicine correctly and ran out. Another reason someone should be looking over him. She has been taking him places and took him to a lawyer to have my POA revoked. I just got a letter from a lawyer today. No court just a letter stating my POA has been revoked and I would be committing a crimminal act if I acted as POA in any way. I don't see how this is legal without going to court. Even tho he can feed, clean and feed himself, he is not in his right mind. I've never done anything against him. I've allowed him to make his own decisions as far as how he'd like his medical care to go. I've just been keeping his affairs, dates, doctors and bank in order. Above all, Just tried to keep him safe. I've not done one thing against him. A woman told him a lie and belived it. Now I'm not even allowed in my fathers house. He wants nothing to do with me. I have no idea what to do. I am scared for him. I am on disability myself and cannot afford a lawyer. Can the POA be revoked like this?
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The second major question is WHO is this woman, and how did she get or become involved with your father?
You state he's "not in his right mind." If you have physicians' statements to this effect, affirming that he's not capable of making legal decisions, you might want to write to the attorney who revoked the POA and advise him of that situation, reminding him that your father wasn't mentally capable to revoke the POA.
If you were his POA and he landed in the hospital due to lack of medication, I am surprised you were not charged with neglect. As POA it was your responsibility to see the meds were there. Ask a lawyer for an opinon.