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Cathy2015 Asked April 2016

How do I apply for veteran's benefits for the spouse of a deceased veteran?

GardenArtist Apr 2016
Also, MA may have a state veterans' office which can offer assistance, or guide you to another organization that can.

Whatever you do, DO NOT HIRE anyone to do this for you. It's illegal to charge for this service but there are plenty of low-lifes pretending to file applications for free (which they don't charge for), but they will ask for information on your assets to see what they can manage (for a fee) as your portfolio.

GardenArtist Apr 2016
Cathy, there's a lot of info available on veterans benefits, but it can be confusing as it's dependent on what kind of benefits you're requesting, factors relating to the veteran's service, etc.

The VA has upgraded its website and provided a lot more information that's more easily found. It also sends out an e-letter with information on various aspects of veteran's affairs and benefits.

This is a good place to start (the filters on the website will eliminate the first 2 sections of the URL, so if you have to, Google "Veterans Benefits, application" and look for the first hit that's not an ad.

You can also contact service organizations such as the American Legion or VFW, which would be a good idea since you're not familiar with the application process. The folks there are experienced, and will prepare and file the application for free. They will also advise which forms you'll need to obtain and submit.

Or Google "VA, Peabody, MA" and search for local county veterans' offices. They also provide free assistance and are affiliated with a county or other governmental entity; they work with the VA.


gladimhere Apr 2016
Search for Veterans Benefit Guide on this site or Google Veterans Benefits.


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