So, my sibling and I have petitioned the courts for guardianship of our parent - who by the way years ago indicated to her attorney that she wanted the two of us to be co-guardianships should the necessity arise. I just met a lawyer today who handles guardianships (we didn't have much time to talk) and I told her my situation and that I am certain my other two siblings (who have done and do little for my parent) will contest the petition. The lawyer told me that the state specifies the reasons behind which someone can contest the guardianship. I'm trying to locate this information. Can anyone help? I'm curious to know... Please forgive me if I'm not making sense - typing quickly because I've got an appointment and wanted to throw this out to my AgingCare support group for answers. Thanks all!
3 Answers
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If your siblings were to launch a dispute to your appointment as guardian, it would be most likely concerning your finance or dependability in handling financial and health issues. Would they want to be guardians themselves? Or do you think they would prefer the guardian to be outside the family? (Or do they feel that no guardian is needed?)