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postcardlynn Asked April 2016

What gps devices have worked for you?

My husband did have a gps device but managed to get it off. He wore for about 9 months. He also had a digital id bracelet but after a year would not wear it. I am thinking of trying the grp smart soles but they are expensive and wondered if anyone has used them or other devices.

Llamalover47 May 2016
Ramiller: A gps developed by a young man for his grandmother who WANDERED you mean, right?

postcardlynn Apr 2016
A bit more information. I have the house where he really can't get out easily so I can monitor that part ok. I was able to leave him in car for very brief time ie running into post office but last week he got out and took police 2 hours to find him. He does wear shoes but I need to call Alz Assoc for more information. I was looking to hear from people who actually purchased the product. Thanks for your responses.


ramiller Apr 2016
Lynn, there is a gps that goes in the shoe. It was developed by a young man who was concerned about his grandmother who wondered. I will try and find more info about it. Does your husband wear shoes all the time? Are you concerned about him wondering out of the house? A bit more info regarding your concerns may help with responses.

MomDaughterRN Apr 2016
Can the gps device be inserted into a small pocket or pinned to the back of his shirt where he can't reach? If he sits a lot and leans against the back of the chair, however, be careful not to leave it where it can cause a pressure ulcer.


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