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MGGEJM36 Asked April 2016

Mom refuses to get out of bed for months, what does this mean?

My mom has absolutely refuses to get out of bed for any reason for the past two months. She insists that she can't walk, there is no way of trying to get her to get out of bed. Nothing works, anything we try just makes her sngry. I am not sure if this is the vascular dementia or if in fact she can not walk. I do know that if she continues she will not be able to walk.

I know that her refusal to walk will hasten other medical conditions. Is this normally what takes place? What can I expect from here?

MGGEJM36 Apr 2016
She is still in the NH. Her medical and daily needs are too much for any of is. To be honest I had written that one brother who was financially exploiting her found her. He paid her a visit and she refuses to get out of bed since.

She sees a doctor regularly, the NH staff try desperately to get her out of bed but she becomes extremely conbative. She has had numerous falls over the past year resulting in her diagnosis of dementia. (Long story). She did have two falls while in the NH, I am not sure how this all contributes. That is why I asked if this was something that dementia patience do, do/can they just decide one day that they will no longer get out of bed?

freqflyer Apr 2016
MGGEJM, back in February you wrote your Mom was in a nursing home, is she still there, or is she back at home [or your home]? You are right if Mom doesn't stand up and walk, she won't be able to walk until she has physical therapy to gain those muscles back.

With dementia it could be anything.... or maybe she tried to stand up and felt like she was going to pass out so she got back into bed and parked herself there as her comfort zone.

If there could be some way to get her to see her doctor, or call 911 saying your Mom can't walk, then the ER could run some test to see if there is a root cause or if it is mind over matter.

Hope everything works out.



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