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miccolmar Asked April 2016

What are some of the stresses caregivers of dementia family members face?

AmyGrace Apr 2016
Yes, frustration and hopelessness and mental exhaustion. I would also add having to suppress anger you feel sometimes (because you know they can't help being difficult). Also suppressing the normal responses such as reasoning with them or arguing with them when they exhibit bad or self destructive behavior. Guilt is also a stressor - guilt over your own feelings when you get angry, frustrated or feel powerless because you can't help them and you can't make them happy although they expect you to.

jeannegibbs Apr 2016
No private time.
Interrupted sleep.
No hope for improvement.
Financial worries.
No social life.
Idiotic comments from people who have no clue about dementia.


MsMadge Apr 2016
The list is too long to type out on an iPad but the top three are exhaustion, frustration and hopelessness because there is no improvement - things can get worst with little effort but great effort doesn't make things better

pamzimmrrt Apr 2016
Lack of privacy.. not always in the sence of someone walking in on us.. but just having time to be blissfully ALONE!! I am an only child, and solitary by nature ( something my hubs luckily gets) and I miss my private time...

Whitney Apr 2016
Siblings never being around to help and not showing any genuine concern for their elderly parents, but then coming out of hibernation when the parents pass away because of the inheritance.

Rainmom Apr 2016
Term paper?

JessieBelle Apr 2016
AmyGrace, you said it so well.

assandache7 Apr 2016
Rainmom it has to be..

Because if it was a full time caregiver they would know we don't have the time to make a list that long! Lol

katiekay Apr 2016
I agree with all the above and add
Loss of relationships - I have found family members who I once had good relationships with now avoid me because of possibly guilt for not helping me or fear that they will get sucked into helping me somehow.
Sadness of seeing my parent deteriorate and .loss of having them be there for me.
Underline Loneliness for me and loss of freedom and loss of self.

Genevieve7 Jun 2016
When your mom ises the one toilet in the house that is not adapted and gets stuck on the toilet and your dad is sitting outside at the same time waiting for a glass of water. Thought I would mention a funny one😀

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