I'm an independent in-home caregiver. If I'm working during mealtime should they provide the food or should I take my own? I've been in both situations and wasn't sure which was considered more appropriate. What if they want me to take them out to eat, should they buy mine or should I?
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When DH and I went out of town, she insisted on cooking for my kids as well even though I was just going to leave pizza money.
She is family and I have included her in all meals where she happened to be with us. She does NOT take advantage.
We have taken her to Disney several times and we do not allow her to pay for anything except her own souvenirs. We provide park tickets and meals (she shares a room with Mom). We would also pay if we went out to dinner back home.
When I hired this latest batch of caregivers, I included in my orientation that they could help themselves to coffee and tea but were expected to provide their own meals.
They key is to communicate directly at the beginning of the arrangement.
Once in a while, if a caregiver would take Dad out for a doctor appointment or a hair cut, Dad would offer to buy them lunch at McDonald's or Burger King. That worked out fine.
As for dining out, they should pay for your meal. Most restaurants aren't going to be happy if you brown bag it, and you shouldn't have to shoulder the costs of a meal that is job related and may not be within your budget.