I cared for my mother for five years in our home. I dispensed her medication as well as her insulin. She offset some of her expenses for special needs like depends, and personal care, some specialized food for her diabetes, but it was no where near what it cost to care for her full time. My siblings could not be bothered for those years nor did they come to visit her. Now that she has passed they have taken over the estate. Because they join together I am left without any recourse other than to go along with what they choose to do even when I suggest otherwise. I feel like the reason they have any inheritance at all is because I always stayed within her budget and took out of my own, rather than spend her money, or ask to be paid for providing full time care for her. Providing full time nursing care would have cost approximately 200.00 a day. I would have gone through her whole estate by charging her just within the first year alone. I can't seem to get my siblings to understand that fact and they act as though my services were worth nothing. Actually they don't even acknowledge that I did anything for those five years. Now that she is deceased they have come out of the woodwork to center in on her money and are suddenly oh so helpful. It feels like a slap in the face. Would love to know if there is anything I can do. I really don't want any money for the job provided, but would love to make the point that the inheritance is there because she was taken care of with minimal taken out of her pocket and that the services provided were worth more because they provided her the opportunity to be in a home environment where she was loved and she thrived.
32 Answers
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If the answer is yes & yes, there could be things you can do both within executor fees & MIE aspect of probate and in placing an unsecured claim against the estate.
Finally, a suggestion to get around the lack of editing on the site is to try working on what you have to say in a writing program. Try to do as much editing on what you have to say on here before copying and pasting into the comment box. Try proofreading and editing as much as possible. I can't say you'll catch every typo, but you can catch more of them
I am receiving no help whatsoever from my sister, who comes to see our mother very seldom, only when family and friends come and visit, to show she is present (average 2 days every 2 months), to add more things on my list and to abuse me; so it's worse than if she was doing nothing.
How can we possibly respect a sibiling who is completely absent when there is work to do for our mother and who, I expect, will be very much present after mum will sadly pass away, when there will be something to gain and profit from the hard work and many (4 so far) years of life I've put in?
At least we have a heart. Knowing this makes us proud, unfortunately elevating us to a higher dimension.
They did not bother to help, call , or visit mom. Oh boy while she is past away they are talking as if now they care, such BS. and all the boo who.....It costed me alot of out of pocket for lawyers to keep mom safe and the necessities she very much needed. So yeah I feel your heart aches very much so. I took care of mom for 2 long years 24/7 and ran my own business. I am still feeling the physicals wear and tear it had on me. I am trying to get my life back. As it was always looking at the clock for when my rest time away from aides looking at her while I get away. Best of luck. Relax now and thank Jesus for taking our love ones out of the pain and suffering they endured.
Maybe talk with a lawyer who's sympathetic with your situation.
THIS IS FAMILY! !!! (me shouting) WHY DO WE NEED LITIGATION? ??? Very sad.
I wish a happy ending to your story.
I was, after 6 months, able to convince my dad to pay my brother and sis in law monthly for not only his share of the groceries and bills, but a decent amount extra as salary (with sage advice from this forum). He's also given them money to put in a new septic and a new roof on their house.
When dad dies, we'll probably all be in agreement to then split what's left equally after expenses, since little brother and sis in law was compensated while dad was alive.
However, it it comes right down to it, if my little brother and sis in law should feel their entitled to more, neither my brother or I are going to protest. If it weren't for Bro and sis in law, Dad would have nothing to give and would have had to live out his live in a nursing home rather then living with those who really love him. Both older brother and I are eternally grateful for little bro and sis in law and if Dad ends up living another 5 more years and they get all the money he has, I'll say they earned every penny. I'm dad's POA but my brother and sister in law has all the say so as far as I'm concerned as long as they are his caregivers and I know they have only his best interest's at heart.
Your siblings are looking at this thing in all the wrong ways. Could they have taken mom in? What would their lives have been like for the last five years if they had? Shouldn't you be entitled to recoup some of your costs, time, effort, now that mom's gone? I know exactly what your saying, and how you feel. Too bad your siblings don't. Maybe you need to see if you can get them to read this thread. Maybe the thoughts of others will help. You might try printing it off and send it to them.... Just a thought....
% by our buyer. Law in my State called "Legion Law" protects this sort of R/E transaction but our lawyer lied to us several times on that transaction which he did nothing to help us, just sat on his rear and billed the estate. Land was in the trust. Trust was worthless, not at all what was told to my Dad by the lawyer.
The time to explain how much mom's care would have cost if you weren't providing it, and how your caregiving made an inheritance possible was while you were doing the caregiving.
You spent your own money on items Mother needed, even though she had enough funds so that there is some left now? Why? Presumably as a gift. It is sad that some of the beneficiaries of that gift are not appreciative. Very sad. But all that is water under the bridge now (or over the dam or whatever the water of regret goes.)
I think your story is a good lesson for others who are caring for their parents now.
P.S. After our pre-Mother's Day argument, she is contacting me MUCH less now. Seems to be once a week. So that is good. I can still see from my Great Call phone app when she goes out and where she goes.
Give a Hug
If you're not lookin for reimbursement, let it go, and live your life.
Believe me- I have seen it all. Your siblings will not part with money they are not legally required to. After all, they did not even visit or say thank you. They says it all.
It is very important for people to write in their will what they want. Even siblings with much more money will take take their share, regardless of the sacrifices you made.
As I said, it is eveident they really don't get it as they didn't bother to even help.
Be grateful that you were a better person and they are never going to understand it - ever. Perhaps you could run it by a lawyer. But from what you have written, it doesn't sound like the will was worded to award you anything extra for laying out your time and money.
It was very good of your husband to assist. Perhaps he can hold sway with your siblings.
I lost a loved one 2 and a half years ago. I took care of her as best I could. I was awarded a certain amount in her will. Others had much greater means than me and still took their share. When it comes to money, don't expect anyone to "reward you" except the person who writes the will.
When my aunt was sick, people suggested I take care of her so there would be more left for me. She had already written her will and the same share would be left to me whether I dropped everything and used my own money or not.
Spend down the loved ones money for their care. That is what it is there for. Don't expect a reward for shelling out your own money. That seems like a very tough battle.
God bless you for taking care of your mom. I am sure you would have done no less. However, if there is no clause in the will awarding you expenses, it sounds like you will not collect a dime from your disinterested siblings.
Maybe they will pay the funeral expenses with the tie share. Sad but common story, I regret to inform you.
No one can ever take away from you the truth- that you cared for your mom and she gave you a special love for doing so. That is the inheritance your siblings will not get.