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KlW4566 Asked June 2016

My mother (94) in assisted living there are days where she sleeps in the day and cannot be brought awake is this normal?

freqflyer Jun 2016
KIW, my parents were in their mid to late 90's and they would be napping big time during the day. Most was from boredom and the lack of energy due to their age decline issues... for my Mom it was because she had serious magular degeneration so she could no longer read, plus her hearing was almost gone, so she could no longer enjoy TV. Dad would fall asleep reading the newspaper.

As for the difficulties getting your Mom to become awake, that is something you need to talk to her primary doctor. As Jinx mentioned above, it could be her medicine... personally I think older seniors are taking too much blood pressure meds.

pamstegma Jun 2016
No it is not normal and needs to be addressed ASAP. Call the Head Nurse and get to the bottom of it.


Jinx4740 Jun 2016
Have you reviewed her medication with her doctor? She may be overmedicated. She may be taking more than one dose due to confusion. Also check to be sure she is not dehydrated.

This is not normal for someone who is 20 or 60. It is not unheard of for someone your mother's age. Is this a recent abrupt change, or is it something that has come on gradually over time? Consult her doctor.

This may be a sign that your mother is starting the dying process. It is very sad to lose your mother, but she has had a long life. Many of us say that we want to die in our sleep. Best wishes to you both.


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