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Amarie329 Asked June 2016

I am taking care of a WWII Vet.

I have been currently taking care of a WWII veteran. He is my Mothers boyfriends father. He will be 93 years old this weekend. Father's day weekend. Since I am not blood or step grand daughter is there any other ways to get paid? My Step-Dad has been paying out of pocket for me to come here and do house work, watch him, make meals etc. I know he has medicaid which they do not pay for a caregiver. I have done research but I don't think I'm looking in the right spot or where to find any info regarding this. I would like to know if there is any alternative instead of hiring someone that Clare does not know. Also for the parents to not be paying out of pocket for this.

Dadscaregiver1 Jun 2016
He may qualify for Aid and Attendance from the VA and forms are available on their website. The amount is based on current income. My dad receives considerably less than $1400 mo.

Amarie329 Jun 2016
... And this is why i dont ask questions on websites.Give the old man some space?
Thank u very much to the first answer.


anonymous158299 Jun 2016
he probably only understands two things -- satchel charges and flame throwers . give the old guy some space .

Mincemeat Jun 2016
It is all right here.....just have to search in the box in upper right corner. If he served WWII he is probably due "aid and attendence' pay which I think is around 1400 a month. Read through these articles and then contact the VA.


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