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mitzjoe Asked June 2016

What to feed a patient that doesn't want to eat much?

in the later stages

rakshita Jun 2016
I never know when my husband will wake up hungry, so I have these 3-minute prep meals/snacks always ready to go: 1/2 Stoffers frozen meals (like mac&cheese), caffinated soft drinks (mountain dew, coke), tiny stick pretzels, peanuts, canned fruit of any kind, fresh fruit---grapes, cherries, strawberries with sugar, apple slices--, fig newtons, cut-up boiled egg or chicken breast, single piece of pizza, homemade muffins (with raisins, nuts, shredded carrots), oatmeal, glass of milk, sometimes carry-out like Wendy's hamburger or chicken marsala, ice cream with a second helping in a deep cup for our dog Daisy, protein bar, cut into small pieces. My main issue has been not to become hurt or angry when he doesn't want what I've lovingly prepared for him. I've learned to just throw the excess food out and continue with sweet words and conversation. His hospice doctor said he can eat anything he wants. So far he's lost very little weight, but he does sleep some 22 hrs a day.

gladimhere Jun 2016
Ice cream? Yogurt? Anything that they like. Sometimes, though they just do not care to eat. Tapioca? Jello? Applesauce?


BethandDan Jun 2016
In the late stage of life, most people stop eating or wanting to. That's ok, it really is part of the progression of letting go of life. It can also be a symptom of kidney failure. Hospice nurses are most helpful in these end life stages.

ferris1 Jun 2016
Since it is very, very hot here in AZ, I bought all cold fresh deli foods, and my husband gobbled them up (i.e. pasta salad, Waldorf salad, pistachio? salad and coconut cream pie). Anything your loved one wants, give it to them (unless they are diabetic or another medical reason that prevents it). Happy cool eating!

lifeexperiences Jun 2016
my wonderful mother is now bedridden and has lost her ability to chew most food. i pureed everything ...whatever she was having for lunch i would puree with almond milk...and it was like having creamed soup! now she loves and really only wants to eat is fruit shakes... i ususally use several different types of fruit, peanutbutter & protein power with almond milk...blend...and it's delicious...she pretty much lives on that now!! good luck!!

AmyGrace Jun 2016
The last few years of Mom's life, although she had access to good meals and I bought regular food - mostly she ate sweets - coffee cake, yogurt, ice cream, cookies, juice, etc. I've heard the very aged lose their sense of smell and taste, but the tongue maintains its ability to detect sweet. At the NH, they gave her regular meals which she picked at, but she drank some of the sweetened high calorie drinks and puddings. In the end, the last week she stopped eating and drinking altogether. She did not seem to suffer and I hear this is the body's way of painlessly shutting down.

Dad_Was_Robbed Jun 2016
It sounds to me like the person may be in and life stages and the body may be shutting down. I know not everyone will stop eating and drinking because every journeys and is uniquely different. What some doctors do is give liquid ensure. Ensure is good for a wide number of purposes, and this is what I would recommend besides liquid boost to keep the persons nutrients going

pattiflo Jun 2016
One of the last things my mom would eat was sweet potatoes. I would bake her one and put the cinnamon and sugar on it. She ate that up until about 2 weeks before she passed away. She went through so many stages of liking something, for so long it was KFC chicken strips and slaw, so we had that at least once a week. Every time her taste would change we'd have to find something else. But the sweet potatoes were the last thing she really seemed to enjoy. All through we were using Boost also.

mlface Jun 2016
Thank you for reminding me its ok to have them eat whatever they like that makes them & caregiver happy.

angelsfrom1981 Jun 2016
Made a beautiful dinner tonight & mom barely ate 2 bites. Can be frustrating. She did eat a yogurt instead. I have to remember to not let it get to me. It is just the 2 of us 24/7 so sometimes it is not easy! Glad to be ready these comments tonight. Helps a lot.

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