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Tashawiji Asked June 2016

Can a person develop pressure ulcer because of being re-positioned frequently?

I have read that patients who are unable to turn themselves are being re positioned by the caretaker so that they do not develop pressure ulcer. And I have also read that pressure ulcer could be caused due to shear/friction between the person's skin and the bedsheet. I am curious to know if a person is being repositioned every 2 hours or so, wouldn't that result in shear force or friction between the skin and the bedsheet? Wouldnt that lead to wound and cause pressure sore?

Eyerishlass Jun 2016
As Churchmouse said, the person at risk for a pressure ulcer should be lying on a draw sheet and it's the draw sheet that's moved around--with the person on it--during repositioning. The body doesn't move, only the draw sheet.

Countrymouse Jun 2016
No, it wouldn't.

Or at least not if the people handling her have the slightest idea of what they're doing. Shearing injuries are entirely avoidable, with even basic attention to care.

But if a frail person is left immobile in contact with anything - a sock, a bedsheet, a mattress, a sheepskin - for too long, the skin that is actually held against the surface will turn red, the blood will pool, and the skin will disintegrate. This process starts after a couple of hours (or even quicker) and happens faster than you would believe until you've seen it. That is why repositioning is absolutely essential.

If you are worried about the manual handling skills of your loved one's caretaker, ask. Do not just sit there worrying about it.

Moving of limbs needs to be done with two hands, ensuring that they are well supported.

Moving of the whole person should be done by careful rolling, not by pushing or pulling. The caretaker should be equipped with a slide sheet, yes?

Checking of key pressure points - toes, heels, buttocks and tailbone, elbows, ears, etc. (you can get a list online) - should be done on a two hourly routine.

Obviously all of these things are easier done by two people working as a team. But one person can do it, if reasonably fit and slightly obsessional, and given the right equipment.



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