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cuzzles Asked August 2016

We can't stop my mom's diarrhea and the test shows nothing. Are we nearing the end?

My mother is in the late stages of dementia & parkinsons. No medicines work, all kinds of tests have been done. I am fearing the worst, and that is that we are nearing the end of her life. Does anyone know if this? Can anyone shed some light as to what stage we might be in, because from what I know we are already past stage 7.

gladimhere Aug 2016
The probiotic mom took was a Walgreens brand calledn"Super Probiotic" it is in an orange box.

gladimhere Aug 2016
My mom has had chronic diarrgea for at least 50 years much due to lactose intolerance. We got a handle on it by adding a probiotic to her med regimine. However, that caused an issue with her forgetting how to have a bm. She was literally a faucet for so long, never had to push. Mom ended up in the ER a few times because of this. An enema was in order, that was a job I was not going to do.


MsMadge Aug 2016
Diarrhea can last for weeks after an antibiotic- as FF suggested maybe try white rice instead of brown - does she eat bananas or apple sauce ?

tiredII Aug 2016
You can also try a supplement called florastor. It is a probiotic yeast supplement that can hrlp restore balance in the digestive tract. Walgrerns carries it.

cuzzles Aug 2016
Thank you all for the info... I will try some of the suggestions.. and yes the doc said she was tested for c diff.. she was clear...they are going to try to up her meds for her stomach and see if that helps...again, thank you so very much

jeannegibbs Aug 2016
I don't think this is necessarily a sign that the end is near. It can happen at any point.

pdhamann Aug 2016
my mom went thru this for over 3 weeks. it was not c-diff. but constant diarrhea , she wound up in the hospital for a week. I still don't think they ever figured it out. but she took some pills like immodium,, I still give her one a couple times a week. that seems to have gotten a handle on it. she lost 20+ lbs..the anti biotics I guess was partly to blame.

cuzzles Aug 2016
I am not sure if she has been tested for c-diff or not.. I will sure call and find out. she has not been hospitalized in over 2 years because we handle things at home. and she stated long ago not to take her and she did have a dnr but we have yet to find it. but she was on antibiotics last month

staceyb Aug 2016
Has she been tested for C-diff? It can cause chronic diarrhea, and if she has been on a lot of antibiotics, or certain antibiotics, or hospitalized in the past, she could have picked it up. Couldn't hurt to check. Reeks havoc on the GI tract.

cuzzles Aug 2016
Hospice is not involved. the doctors say she is fine. she is still eating but we have to tell her to eat.. she will not ask for food and she always says she is not hungry. she drinks no milk. she has a small amount of grated cheese on her eggs every other day. We give her brown rice and toast for breakfast cuz 3 months ago she did this and it helped stop it.. she does eat activia once in a while.

freqflyer Aug 2016
I also agree with Babalou about the possibility it is wheat and/or dairy.

For my Dad we didn't discover he was lactose intolerant until he was in his late 80's. Buying him LACTAID® milk really helped him, same with LACTAID® ice cream. But my Mom would still give Dad cottage cheese, regular cheese, and yogurt. She figured a little bit wouldn't hurt :P

freqflyer Aug 2016
Similar problem my mother-in-law had, the doctors couldn't figure out what was causing the problem. Then mother-in-law came across something that worked for her, cooked white rice [not instant rice].... she would take a couple of tablespoons before each meal... lo and behold it worked :)

BarbBrooklyn Aug 2016
Cuzzles, how awful for you all! Is mom eating at all? You might try eliminating something, perhaps wheat or dairy is causing this reaction?

Is Hospice involved?


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