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Paisleykk Asked August 2016

Fiance recently diagnosed with cancer has Medicare but needs additional insurance.

My fiance is 61 years old. He has Medicare for a disability. He is recently diagnosed with cancer and needs additional insurance. help?

Sunnygirl1 Aug 2016
If his income and assets are low enough, he might qualify for Medicaid Medical. I would check it out. I don't believe there is any charge for it. You might still need a Drug coverage supplemental, but if you qualify for Medicaid, you often get Extra Help to pay for that, so your out of pockets for meds is very low.

freqflyer Aug 2016
Veronica is right, with ACA [Obamacare] insurance companies can no longer refuse a client who has a pre-existing condition. It hope that never changes or a lot of folks would be finding it difficult to get insurance.


Veronica91 Aug 2016
There are number of supplemental plans to choose from and they will carry a monthly fee in addition to that charged by Medicare.
As he is disabled would he qualify for Medicaid?.
The good news is that the insurance companies can not refuse to cover you these days due to pre-existing conditions.
If you do not currently live together i would hesitate to combine households because when applying for things such as medicaid household income is taken into account not just that of the applicant and you don't have to be married for that!

GardenArtist Aug 2016
If he doesn't have a Medigap plan or secondary insurance, that's definitely something to consider.

It's been awhile so I can't recall the specifics, but I believe there are some insurers that write plans for cancer. I do know of an agent in Texas who writes cancer insurance; it might be for the first incidence only though.

Gilda's Club is a wealth of resources. You could contact your local chapter and ask if there are any financial resources of which they could make you aware, or if they know of any company that specifically writes cancer insurance.

I would also ask his oncologist to recommend a social worker who can advise you of additional potential coverage. Or you could call the infusion center if he's going to be getting chemo; they might a social worker on staff.

Although you didn't ask, I would also recommend that you find out if the local hospital or infusion center have support groups; it could be very helpful to connect with others and discuss similar issues.


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