OMgosh! Mom is in memory care. I am considering keeping the hearing aid and glasses with me and give them to mom during my weekly visit. Although I have been told thats not a good idea. Shes totally deaf in one ear and 90% in the other, can see distance but not up cloose. The staff cant seem to help much in keeping track of them and not sure its fair to expect them too considering her need to constantly rearranging her stuff. Also she roams into other rooms leaving things behind as she goes. Sometimes I find her closets full with her clothes other times there is nothing in the closets or dresser and shes wearing someone elses clothing. All her stuff is marked with her name.
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Even Mom gets confused. She will be going for a walk in the NH, see a bed and go lie down on it and take a nap, in someone else room. She doesn't understand.
Do what you can for your loved one ... the disease isn't immediately fatal, but in hindsight, i see that it does errode one's faculties daily. Report theft and loss - in writing - to the facility. Give it to the head nurse first - and work your way up, so that you've got it documented and do your own body checks -- make SURE your loved one is not being singled out. Be sure the name/room number is one each item either sewn in or by using a Sharpie pen. Make sure the roommates, nurses SEE the new items: "do you think this would be an appropriate style shoe for mom/dad?" [Makes certain they are aware he has new shoes]. Do the same with clothing. i had a list on the door of the closet of the color and type of clothing and the number of each type of clothing - and i did Mom's laundry. They SAW me checking it off - "out for laundry" and so forth. That sheet of paper - itemizing everything that was Mom's [even the wall clock] proved very helpful. She lost one pair of socks. i gained 3 pr of noslip slippers to make up for it :) - but they felt accountable. Gosh i wish i could spend just one more day with Mom - reading to her, listening, or just being outside if she wished. Her biggest pleasure was visiting the bird cage. i brought her home as soon as i could - they stopped doing PT for her shoulder replacement.
When the "Speech Therapist" asks to speak with your loved one alone - stay within listening distance, but not that the therapist knows you're there. Judge for yourself the type/topic of questions they ask. "How many railroad stops are between here and where you live?" "Who was president when the Louisiana Purchase took place?" "What was the Gettysburg Address about?" Oh the obscurity of the questions are absurd! Mom could name 3 of her children -- the therapist never asked about the other two: they passed away 2 - 15 years prior, and lived out of state. Memory Care sadly means that they are treated as though they do NOT have a working brain, emotions, etc. Change the hours you visit, if possible - jumble them up, or if you have a sibling, have them do drop-in surprise stops. Each time - if there is someone new on duty - be sure to introduce yourself -- the ones who get visited the most frequent - get treated better. i've seen it first hand. To put any worker on guard, ask to see the State's Book on Care - that's the State;s review info at last inspection. i even had to bring Mom her own food. They took food away from her - and refused to give her Ensure. $245 a day for a bed and pillow and a assurance you may wake up in the clothing you went to bed in. Pray a lot for guidance - it helps!
Church groops come in with clothes.They will give one set eaxch pt and throw away rest.
one he in now I told church would have them put in goodwill box.They stuffed the box full. and on outside.
I bouvht him 14 pair of lounge pants he can brp himself. that was after 7 pair disappeared. he has 2 and one is new pair. Now the kicker I Do his laundry. he had his own bed throw and bed pads and bathsheets new.
Doesnt make any difference.
I saw staff take all clothes from lady closet and husband wanted to know whappened to the clorthes he bought.
My Mom was legally blind and unable to walk during her bought with vascular dementia. Over a few short weeks, she stopped talking - - - oh how i miss her.
Vision and hearing are defininetly medical / health aids that are vital to one's mental health, demeanor, and even their personal choices - i'd try to preserve them while she can. God bless ~
er and pink slippers under his bed. And his wife is upset. One nurse stooed her from feely smooching in diningroom. but this nurse works in another unit usually. It seems most everytime there is someone filling in. Doesnt do much for continuity of care. my spouce I bought 14pair lounge bottoms he cant really dress himself and little use of fine motor and shoulder due to broken bones. see he is helping neighbor like I told him. And he Actually appologized when he ranoff when I canme to bate him and shave and shampoo. What gets me besides the shock when aid yelled he had his thing in her mouth and yelling at tjem saying there nasty. I think my mouth dropped open. Ive srrn a lot but this place takes the cake. Was uopset when came in and saw rough treatment going and getting ehrrlchair creeping away and roughly spinning it around and shoving pt shoulder. pinching or slapping dementia pt back. These I know. I advocated for quite a few to be off st. Sometimes dont know if this is better.
We took her to get her eyes checked and got new glasses, and within one day
she had ran over them with her wheel chair. She would take them off and place them in her lap, and they would fall off. She would also sit on them and break them. We replaced them and got them fixed a few times, and then gave up and she wore her old ones. She wanted the hear aid really bad, but then did not want to mess with it. She kept pulling it out when she touched her hair, or combed it.
They are both attached by string to a clip and fastened to their clothing! When pulled out they fall harmlessly to the back and are held by the sting. Ask your hearing aid consultant to do this for you. The resident who continue to pull them off and lose them we only put them on when family comes. And they can monitor the use so as not to lose them. GLASSES need the name on them. Also can be done by the eye glass shop. None of these are 100 percent. It is unreasonable for staff to be totally accountable when people have dementia. Also check clothing at night before laundry and garbage - these things get wrapped in tissue. Teeth are another expensive item that need a name on them. Staff must work with families.
I set up trap and watched Charge nurse seal my phone then ran out thre door with it.
where he is they say they are not responsible for personal belongings. Since he has physical limitations and they dont change his clothes or bathe him. I went in friday and bathed him cut the matts out of his hair and almost 1/4 inch of yellow scalp skin scraped off through his hair. Largo Medical Health and Rehab. dementia care is a joke. They.eander around lost in and out rooms sex in rooms. stiole his wheelchair
Not sure how useful this will be. I have hearing issues and do not want to pay thousands for HA. Bought a personal amplifier from Amazon for $60 and it works great. It hangs over my good ear and a part inserts into the canal. There is an on-off switch and volume control. Uses larger batteries which are easy to change. Easy to find as it is larger than many in ear aids. Smallest ear bug was a bit large for my ear so I trimmed it with scissors.
Would such an amplifier could be a good backup or even replacement for a HA?
Her glasses are wire framed but we attached a label with tape curled around skinny part that slides (isnt stuck) .
I am really impressed and humbled. 25-30 hours each week!
I spend about 45 minutes each day with my mom.
There is just no rule book, is there? I know people who visit once a week for an hour. I had a friend who visited four times a year. From what we read here, there are siblings who never visit. No rules.