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GuvnaBee Asked August 2016

How do I downsize my mum's (91) bed?

My mum's (91) bed is too high (an old canopy bed that was her Mum's) and now she is taking tumbles getting out to go to bathroom. She has this old rocking chair (old hard wood type that will injure even ME of I trip overt those pointy rockers, lol) nearby and the night table. I am seeking suggestions on how to downsize her bed, get a elderly-friendly nearby chair. Mum has increasing dementia and balsnce issues visa-v the lumbar region of spine and foot drop (wears a brace sometimes). She is lucky she hasn't injured herself seriously yet, but within this present configuration, it seems just a matter of time. Has part-time Home Attendant til I soon move back out to marry (I am oldest and olny son w/o support from an evil Twisted Sister fifteen years my junior); Who knew? Mum seems to have a sentimental attachment to this dangerous rocking chair. Any similar experiences? Thank you for reading this. Peace.

GuvnaBee Aug 2016
Had bed legs cut this past weekend by a reputable Contractor. it looks great and is totally level. Huge difference and Mum speaks to liking it. Now for that darn rocking chair with the four pointy rockers which even I avoid because that old wood can break a toe if you hit it right!

cwillie Aug 2016
If you are going to have to fight to remove anything from the room you could try going at it from a slightly different angle, perhaps have the walls painted or the carpet cleaned necessitating a complete emptying. Once the contents are stashed elsewhere you can make excuses not return them... don't have time today, need a helper because it's much too heavy etc.


Sunnygirl1 Aug 2016
I suppose it depends on the level of their dementia, but with my cousin, I took items out of her house, right in front of her and she didn't seem to notice. Some things, I just placed in a bag and walked out with them, like knives, toaster, scissors, anything dangerous for her to use. I had to get them out of her reach. She never mentioned them. She would actually talk to me while I was doing it and it didn't seem to register.

I suppose your mom is more attached to her items, but would she recall if another chair was placed where the rocker is located? What if the bed is moved out with a much lower frame put in it's placed. Could you say the slats were loose and had to be repaired?

GuvnaBee Aug 2016
These are all great suggestions. One thing is that there is no canopy on the canopy bed. Hasn't been in like, forever since she inherited it from one of my aunts, I think. Basically there is too much furniture in her bedroom by a piece or two, IMO. You have another upholstered chair (antique) which think my Pops used to like to sit in an look out the window in his latter years, plus an upholstered stool/ottoman deal in addition to this big ole high bed. She's gonna fight me on removing any of the above, I know it unless its "doctor's or physical therapist's orders". Thanks. Keep 'em coming please.

Susieshoes Aug 2016
If your Mum is sentimental about the rocking chair, and there's enough room, keep it in the room so she can sit in her more comfy new chair and still look at it. One thing you might try is to put a doll she loves, or a stuffed animal you can dress for the season/occasion in the seat. We did this with my grandmother, who had an old rocker she loved. We put a nice-sized stuffed bear in it and haunted thrift shops looking for toddler clothes and dresses it could wear. Grandma loved to dress her bear for holidays. It gave her so much pleasure. She had dementia, and by the end she didn't know who any of us were (her daughter and grandkids), just as nice people who brought new clothes for her bear. Her bear was her friend--and it kept her out of that rocker because that became its chair.

blannie Aug 2016
Or if there's a box spring and a mattress, remove the box spring and just put the mattress in the frame. That would lower the bed by about a foot. And yes, move the chair somewhere else! Maybe out in the living room, where she'd be walking around it when she was normally fully awake.

pamzimmrrt Aug 2016
can you move the chair to another area? And as someone who grew up around antiques, and not to blaspheme... but could you cut the legs down? You unfortunatly don;t get much for them any more. But perhaps you could hang a canopy from the ceiling over a nice new hospital type bed? They make frames that hang from the ceiling!


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