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yoleine99 Asked August 2016

I am sixty years old, and my forgetfulness got a lot of trouble, even losing investment money. I am worried about "dementia".

I would like to know to prepare myself. As I am planning to go back to live in my country of Origin, by the time I turn 65. Genetically I already have cacer stage two, just before I turn 40 years old. twenty some years later,even with a very lumpy breast I am okay. But in my father side, it's not good.

Brain Cancer already toke 5 lives. The most resent on was 3 moths ago.
My nephew, he was only 29 yrs old. 5 years prior to him, was an other one only 26.
Then my half sister from my dad side had it as well, but she survived 10 years ago.
There's no ones from the previous generation before us a life. all pass.
We're only 14 of us left. My generation.
Meaning the 50's 60's +

I had plenty to worry about. Won't you think so. I am losing my sleep I am so worry about this matter.

Sunnygirl1 Aug 2016
Correction to above. cpap is Continuous Positive Airway Pressure.

Sunnygirl1 Aug 2016
C-pap stand for Continuous Oxygen Airway Pressure. The new machines are very quiet, easy to use and once programmed, you just have to press a button to turn it off and on, and do maintenance. The company will train you on maintenance. They now have not only a full face mask that covers mouth and nose, but also nasal pillows which are small, soft, little pieces that gently fit on your nostrils. Air blows in while you sleep. It's really not that bad. IF you need one, it's a process, but very doable.

I would discuss a sleep study with your doctor. They have to order it for insurance to cover it. There are many insurance rules on C-pap, but most of the companies know how to abide by them. It just takes time.

I can say that I was very concerned with my focus and memory too. Now, I'm as sharp as ever. So, it really turned me around.

And if that is not the problem, it could be something else that is treatable too. I would not lose hope. Just try to figure it out.


zythrr Aug 2016

Cpap is a machine you wear when sleeping so you can breath easier. It's on the order of wearing a snorkel.

yoleine99 Aug 2016
OMG!! I heard a lot about sleep apnea. But, I just don't know wish one is good.
I have to do some research... Yup that's me. Lack of focus, very poor concentration,big time memory problems etc...
Excuse my ignorance...What is a Cpap treatment?



Sunnygirl1 Aug 2016
I would certainly explore how stress is effecting your life, but I would do that in conjunction with talking to your doctor about your symptoms. The doctor can do tests that rule out certain things. I'd keep a journal of your symptoms.

How well do you sleep at night? If you worry a lot or if you have sleep apnea, you may not be getting enough deep sleep. I had a sleep study that showed that my breathing was too shallow when I slept and I was not getting enough oxygen. I wasn't necessarily sleepy, but, I had other symptoms, like lack of focus, poor concentration, memory problems, health issues. Once, I got on Cpap treatment, it was like night and day. It took a few months, but I saw great improvement. I feel like a different person.

I'd let the doctor figure out what is causing your problems. They may be very treatable.

freqflyer Aug 2016
Voleine, from what you have written, you are definately under a lot of stress which will show up with high blood pressure, fainting, loss of sleep, etc.

A tranquilizer is a prescription pill that helps calm someone down. I never wanted to take them but eventually I was stressed to the max I was literally shaking. The meds takes the edge off. Other things can also take the edge off such as walking or doing exercise, but only if you have the time and energy. Stress had taken away much of my energy.

yoleine99 Aug 2016
Wow!! What is a Tranquilizer medically speaking? I try to stay clear of tress, but not easy. I ma worry about myself as well, as my mother that is now 84.
Se had no money. & Ia m the only one giving a hand for the pass 20 years.

Now after lost of investment also between jobs. It became pretty scary.
I used to work as Guess Service Associate in a hotel.
They started giving so much hard time. I hanup pass out twice, while I was on duty.
The last one November last year. I hand-up in trauma unit at the hospital with my pressure 240+

Then I know, it's my life, or $ hour. I resign

freqflyer Aug 2016
Also, stress and lack of sleep can make one feel like they cannot think clearly. I was going through that dealing with very elderly parents. Once I was place on a tranquilizer I found I could remember things so much better :) The stress was clouding my mind.

Sunnygirl1 Aug 2016
I would try to keep an open mind, because you don't yet know what may be going on. Lots of things can cause your symptoms.

Have you appointed your Durable Power of Attorney, Healthcare POA, etc.? I would consult with an Elder Law attorney, who can review your situation and advise on what needs to be done.

Do you have a trusted person or an attorney who can assist with your financial matters?

You say you are moving to another country down the road. You might explore what you need to have in place to cover that event as well, such as legal documents, in case you move there. Do you have trust people there, who can help you if you need help in your country of origin?

Have you discussed your concerns with you doctor? I would certainly explore what could be causing your symptoms. They may want to check for infections, medication interactions, vitamin deficiency, etc. There are many things that could be causing the problem and some things can be treated.

If you are uncomfortable about losing your investment money, I'd discuss that with an attorney too, to see your options and if you can recover any back. I would do that without delay.

freqflyer Aug 2016
I am surprised your doctors haven't mentioned gene testing. That type of test will give you a percentage of your chances of getting cancer again.

Do you have Medicare? If yes, Medicare usually pays for such gene testing.


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