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Mamabessie Asked September 2016

Can I stop a payment from Social Security to my nursing home while I am a patient?

zythrr Sep 2016
Exactly. if you don't pay NH has in the contract they can evict you following applicable state laws, then they will bill you.

pamstegma Sep 2016
Mamabessie, If you do that, they will evict you. Consider all the consequences of your actions before you find yourself at the curb.


igloo572 Sep 2016
The NH will need to be paid.
However, the NH cannot require a resident to make the NH their payee for SS or other retirement income. You can have your monthly income go into your checking account and then you (or your DPOA who has a signature ability on your banking account) write the NH for your rent or your required co-pay if you are on Medicaid.

The facility MUST be paid. I've found that most NH will press upon residents & family that they (the NH) need to become the payee, but they cannot maje you do this.


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