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Kannie Asked September 2016

Are we able to deposit money in her savings or is that bad for when we need to apply for Medicaid?

My mom has three hours of home care per day. Her savings is depleted. Are we able to deposit money in her savings or is that bad for when we need to apply for Medicaid? We can't apply for a few years because of a QCD that is only 3 years old.

Kannie Sep 2016
Even with renting her house we can't afford a NH.

Kannie Sep 2016
My dad had died and she sold the house. My husband and I bought land to build. We built a granny house in the back. Connected only by well and septic. She really wanted he name on the deed so she felt like she was part of it. We didn't see a problem with it at the time. After talking with others we realized to get her name off. She never paid the mortgage or the taxes. She did use money from her house sale to furnish her house.


gladimhere Sep 2016
Are you in a duplex? If mom were moved to a facility her unit coyld be rented. Why if you paid for it was mom listed on the transaction? The lessons we learn.

Kannie Sep 2016
Our houses are connected. She has never paid taxes or the mortgage. We have. It's just her name was on the deed with ours. We removed it threes ago. She will need a NH. We are getting by now but she is getting weaker and very hard to transfer. It's basically a two person transfer.

vegaslady Sep 2016
So you put more info into this question. You might doublecheck with an elder law attorney in her state. If she only did a QCD and continued to pay the taxes there, and the mortgage and stayed living there, there may still be a question of whether there was a true transfer of ownership and equity or if this was a transfer in name only, or fraudulent in nature in order to qualify for benefits. Are youvthinking she's going to need a nursing home then? Or are you thinking that she'll be eligible for sone assistance with in home care costs then? Have you explored other programs that might be available in her state?


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