My mother has dementia and is currently living with my eldest sister who has power of attorney and will not allow me or my children to see my mother even outside her home. Every time I call the house to speak with my mom or try to make arrangements with my sister the voicemail is always on, never my texts or telephone messages.
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My sister and I do not have a good relationship. Mostly due to her behavior and unethical things she has done. She hasn't seen her mother in over 25 years, and has manipulated mom into giving her thousands of dollars. Long story.
Mom has alzheimers and I am her caregiver. My sister refuses to speak to me and only wants to speak to mom. She cannot be trusted. Why don't you and your sister speak?
I would just stop by and insist t
As a caregiver, I would really appreciated acts of unexpected kindness.
How long has it been since you have seen your Mom? Is there some history behind this? Do you have other siblings that are being banned, too? Not enough information to properly advise.
With the limited amount of information given, it sounds to me like there is some "bad blood" going on from the past. I don't agree with sending the police over. That can make a bad situation even worse. I would go straight to the courts and have a judge grant visitation. Once that is taken care of, your sister will be in contempt of court if visits are denied.
On one occasion - count them, one - I told my sister it wasn't convenient for her to visit my mother. I do not exaggerate: she *immediately* reacted by demanding to know "what was going on" and "why are you being so secretive" and so on, at some length. For heaven's sake.
So in this instance I'll be content to hope that the situation is a passing problem of the OP's sister having been too busy to pick up the phone. Unless we hear otherwise, anyway.
If she also has medical POA and has solid evidence that your visits are not good for your mother's health, she MAY have grounds to require supervised visits.
Could you visit an Elder Law attorney? Sometimes getting a notice on a lawyer's letterhead grabs people's attention.
Ideally you and your sister could work this out. Other than being on a power trip, what are her stated reasons for this ban?
I would suggest that you call the police station (not 911) and ask that they do a well-check on your mom since you haven't heard from or seen her and you have no idea if she's OK.
Hopefully this will get your foot in the door. Good luck.