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PersonalRep Asked September 2016

What is the proper and legal way to pay a credit card in the POA name if the "expenses" are for shared purchases like food, gas, clothing?

My brother was POA. He had a credit card in his name. The charges he claims were all my mothers. He made payments on this card from a checking account with funds that were entirely my mothers deposits. The checking account had both names on it. My brother had no visible means of income so purchases for food and gas along with cable and phone were all paid by my mother and charged on the credit card.

JessieBelle Sep 2016
Is you brother living with your mother as her caregiver? I wondered if she was to the point that she needed someone to help.

BarbBrooklyn Sep 2016
It sounds as though you are concerned that your brother is robbing your mother blind. Call Adult Protective Services in her area and give them the facts.

If mom is in her right mind ( has not been declared incompetent) she can do what she like with her money. But both she and your brother should understand that this "gifting" will make her ineligible for Medicaid assistance if she needs it down the road, either for inhome help or for nursing home care.

Make it clear, also, that when she's penniless from supporting him, you won't be stepping in to provide care, funds or housing.



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