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MommyGaGa Asked September 2016

Mom moving in with us from NJ to NY.

She has dementia, who do I notify first regarding change of residence? SS Pension provider? Health Plan Provider? Help...I am overwhelmed!

freqflyer Sep 2016
I know what you mean, all the change of addresses that have to be done.

What I did was set up accounts on the various websites and was able to make the change of address that way. There is Social Security... pension fund... secondary health provider.... AARP, if your Mom is a member... moving bank accounts.... stock broker.... newspapers... magazine subscriptions.... and your Mom's relatives/friends, whom I sent out via U.S. mail as most of them didn't have an email address much less had a computer.

I found by opening up website accounts, which I kept in a log book because of so many different names/passwords and security questions, that helped me for when my Dad moved from his house into a senior living center, then when he moved to Memory Center.

What I did for my Dad's address, I used my own address and home telephone number, that way I had more control over the mail and what was coming in.... even though Dad physically was living elsewhere.


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