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thesneed Asked September 2016

What's the best way to find geriatric health experts who can diagnose and differentiate between delirium and early stage of dementia?

Grandmother had a fall. After her hospitalization she went to a rehab facility for 4 weeks. During that whole time she was confused and had wild mood swings, forgot things left and right, lashed out angrily at staff and her family. Now she is home for all of 5 days so far and she still is frequently confused, forgetful, can't follow a conversation after 3-4 sentences, etc. She's yelling at her daughter, my mother-in-law, telling her she's not doing s--t (her word) and she's going to call the police on her. We've been told this may be delirium or it may be early stage of dementia. How do we find out? How can we get her diagnosed? Who does that kind of care and how can we find those professionals in our area? I checked the American Geriatric Society website's find a geriatrician page, but no one came up in our city.

BarbBrooklyn Sep 2016
Almost forgot. FIRST, get her tested for a UTI. Was she catheterized at all? UTI s in the elderly cause these symptoms.

BarbBrooklyn Sep 2016
Your best bet for starts may be a geriatric psychiatrist, or and psychiatrist, if it comes to that. She needs meds for agitation.

Call your closest teaching hospital and find out if they have a specialty team in neurological asessment of dementia/ memory disorders. You want a neurologist/ neuropsychologist team. Big rehab hospitals also sometimes have assessment team of this sort.



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