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cdjackgo Asked October 2016

My brother was granted guardianship of my father, retired navy.

A little over a month has passed since gaurdianship was granted and my brother has removed my father from his home, where he was being taken care of by his daughter and gave her three days to leave the home. The place that my father is now at has placed my father in a lowered quality of life. I am his daughter and don't know what I can do but I do know that this is unacceptableand something has to be done. What can I do?

pamstegma Oct 2016
Your opportunity to speak was in court. Why didn't you go?

gladimhere Oct 2016
Your brother cannot just kick sis out like that. Is that her home, adress on ber identification, etc? He would have to evict her, a legal process. Did she provide care to dad for a period of two years before the nursing home? If so, she needs to consult with an attorney because in many states she is entitled to the house because of medically necessary care she provided.

Maybe bro is trying to get sis out to sell the house?


Rainmom Oct 2016
Were you given a chance to oppose your brothers appointment of guardian? I mean no offense here - but usually a judge will consider all interested and capable parties when considering guardingship - as long as the judge is made aware of them Assuming this was the case, the judge then makes as decision as to who is best suited for the responsibility. There must have been a reason for the judge to decide as he did rather than allow your father to live status quo.


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