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nobutt Asked October 2016

Mother writing checks to sister for work that she makes up. What can I do?

my sister goes to parents house (DAILY) ,mom has dimentia and does WORK for them, mom pays her very well, but she has taken advantage of her memory loss works for an hour leaves does half assed jobs, she makes up things to do so she looks busy, my parents think she does so much for them,she is robbing them blind and she also has moms credit card ($2,000) last month my dad just pays it everyone but parents see this,....what can you do?? I'm tired of the phone calls from neighbors etc...everyone see's it but parents the caregiver especially..

pamstegma Oct 2016
nobutt, go over there and do the work yourself. Problem solved.

jeannegibbs Oct 2016
Are you sure they don't see it and Dad at least knows what is going on? Are they purposely trying to give money to her in a way that won't appear to be gifting?

Have you discussed this with your father? (No point in bringing it up with Mom who has dementia.) Without accusing you sister, could you have a more general talk about his finances, credit card debt, etc.



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