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sussieq Asked October 2016

Can a nursing home make you get a roommate?

When you came here because you could get a private room.

MsMadge Nov 2016
Difficult situation in an emergency where the greater need prevails

Work out a financial arrangement and a reasonable request on the roommate so your aunt is not completely upset by both a new person and someone with behavior issues

Mom's roomie passed last month and her last week was not pleasant - her memory care moved a new resident in late yesterday and this woman is known to scream for help a lot - she was in a room with another woman who screamed a lot too and died last weekend

If her screaming keeps mom awake at night then I will request a change based on reasonableness clause in the contract - her first roommate screamed in a foreign language all night and after 5 nights they moved her after I complained

Sunnygirl1 Nov 2016
Yeah, I used to think that a private room was so important, but after my cousin went into AL, I realized that she loved having a roommate. Being in her room all alone didn't interest her at all. Plus, most of the day, they are in activities, tv room, dining room, etc. I suppose if a resident likes to stay in their room alone, a private room is preferred, but, it's a lot of money for no real benefit otherwise.


freqflyer Nov 2016
Sussieq, on a positive note... if your Aunt does get a room-mate, that person could become her best friend after awhile :)

What does your Aunt think about this?

Grandma1954 Nov 2016
If you are paying for a private room then unless they reduce the fee for the duration that your Aunt will have a roommate they can not "force" one upon her.
Maybe you could come up with a solution that will benefit all. Like for the duration of the stay that someone will be sharing a room there is no extra fee and for the same length of time after your extra out of pocket is reduced by half. So if the roommate is there for 6 months you will get a reduced rate for the next 6 months once the other person leaves.

sussieq Oct 2016
we are in the flooded area of La. they want to move people from flooded nursing homes in . I feel sorry for them but this has been my aunts only home for 4 yrs. I will refuse to remove any of her things from the room. this could be very depressing for her. I think I will talk to a lawyer. there are 3-5 of us in this battle

jeannegibbs Oct 2016
Ah, you are personally paying for a private room. Your mother isn't paying.

What reason is the NH giving you for insisting on a shared room? I assume you will then not be paying the extra charge.

sussieq Oct 2016
they take he ss and a state pen. and I still pay450 extra for private room which she has for almost 4yrs

pamstegma Oct 2016
sussieq, On Medicaid your entire SS check pays for just a semi-private room. Private rooms are much higher than your PNA monthly allowance.

sussieq Oct 2016
Medicaid pays, but I pay extra & above for private room

jeannegibbs Oct 2016
Are you paying out of your own pocket? Then if you can afford it you should get a private room.

Is Medicaid paying for the NH? They set upper limits on how much they will pay, and it typically is not enough for a private room.


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