What can I do to help my mother with Alzheimer's stop overfeeding her dog?
She lives in a residence in her own apartment. She feeds the dog numerous times per day. recently he has had diarrhea and is eating grass and throwing up.
You might also want to do a thorough evaluation of your mother's cognitive abilities, this could just be the tip of the iceberg. Check out this article:
I'm sure your mom loves her dog very much and the dog is a great companion as well however it's probably time to begin the process of re-homing the dog. The Alzheimer's prevents your mom from being able to properly care for her dog and her loving and loyal dog deserves to be in a home where he can be properly cared for.
I'm sure your mom has lost a lot. Her memory, her independence, maybe her health and losing her dog on top of all of that seems very cruel but what's cruel is letting the dog remain with your mom when she can't care for him and is unintentionally harming the dog.
This site has had this subject brought up before if you'd care to do a search and read what other people have done in this situation.
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I'm sure your mom has lost a lot. Her memory, her independence, maybe her health and losing her dog on top of all of that seems very cruel but what's cruel is letting the dog remain with your mom when she can't care for him and is unintentionally harming the dog.
This site has had this subject brought up before if you'd care to do a search and read what other people have done in this situation.