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Pewee2 Asked November 2016

Nursing home care and hospice vs nursing home?

My Mom has been in a Nursing Care Facility a couple of months. I am there each morning to help with whatever, but it's like the left hand doesn't know what the right of the facility is doing, has she bathe, did she eat, why hasn't her wounds been redressed! She has fell out of the bed once! But a patient in the next room has 2 ladies from hospice who give him personal care each day, I never here them complaining, knowledgeable of his needs! Wondering your hospice experiences is it more personal or what are the risk of seeking that. Thanks.

pamstegma Nov 2016
Hospice does not send two paid caregivers at a time, but they do have volunteers who will sit and chat with patients and even run for groceries.

Veronica91 Nov 2016
Peewee the people to address these questions to are the nursing staff. they have to keep a log of what has been done to a patient. They are usually understaffed and knowing you come each day is a great help to them when they know that.
Would your Mom be appropriate for hospice care. If you all are comfortable with that thought ask the admissions director of the same hospice to come and take to you. Once you have signed up for hospice it is never a done deal that you are stuck with it foreverever.You can alway get a discharge and keep up what you are personally doing or hire a private caregiver to come in if you can afford that. A discharge is never final you can always be readmitted when someones condition becomes unmanageable


freqflyer Nov 2016
Pewee, it could be because you are with your Mom every morning to help out, and the fellow in the next room has no one who is able to visit or he is on his own.

Are the women from Hospice or are they personal paid caregivers? My Dad use to visit my Mom when she was in long-term-care and his caregiver would drive Dad to the facility and be there to help Mom eat, etc.


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