In 2008 MERP put a $16,338.19 claim on g'moms property valued at $43,780.00. Her only 2 daughters, 1 being my mom, want me to inherit it. MERP has allowed them a 50% hardship against property making its value now at $21,890. I have reciepts from 2009-16 where i have paid 10,958.21 in property taxes for it. Can & how do i claim these expenses against their claim?
Am i correct as to how they calculate their figures if property is. $43,780.00 Subtract 50% $21,890.10
My claim. - $10,958.21
Property Value. $10,739.31
Will MERP release $16,000. claim if property value is for less than their claim total.
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Also your post nudged me to contact our attorney to clarify how things work again so we both can have peace of mind that what we intended is indeed what we intended. Thank you for nudging me to do what we need to do.
If not there are 2 ways to approach this imo.....this is a pretty tiny merp claim at 16k! I'd first try to contact via certified mail with documentation to whomever does MERP for your state (could be state agency or outside contractor like HMS or PCG) that $ paid on the property for taxes, insurance, maintenance, etc. are claims against the estate (attach the tax assessor statement for year grannie died as it shows this is low value property if probate is done & the 50% hardship determination which lowers the properties MERP recoverable value) and the $ 10,958.21 to be deducted from grannies MERP claim and with determination done within 30 or 60 days otherwise probate will be opened. Yiu send this same certified mail again 30 dats later. I'd mail it certified with the return regstered receipt fir eac mailing. Thecdue will run under $ 9.00 at USPO. This is something you can do yourself, certified mail. I'd try this first and see what response you get. If taxes get deducted, personally I'd just send another certified mail saying you will pay the approx. 6k difference (16k -10k = 6k) IF and only IF MERP will provide a release of claim against the property. Then you take the Release, file at courthouse and deal with transferring property however your state does small estates affadavit or maybe a muniment of title assuming your mom & aunt as the heirs sign off on all this.
If state or outside contractor won't budge, then IMO you are going to need to open probate and all your costs are entered as a claim as a part of probate. Whomever is named executor as per Gran's valid will deals with claims as per Grans state probate laws and administrative codes & under advice of probate atty. Probate could run a year or years...... Now there will be costs to go probate, at least 3 -5k for atty plus costs to establish value of estate (I'm sure you'd like to avoid this so that why the DIY above suggested) & securecassets till probate distribution final. But if MERP won't work with you, then Hello Probate! Everbody then deals with assets & claims as per probate rules. You enter your 10k as 2 claims (pre & post death). Whomever is executor also has executor claims done as well. MERP - either by your state agency or it's outside contractor - can enter its own claim against the estate as well & has to to be considered by the court. Most states have claims done to allow for a system for priority claims and dealt with first. Like for TX, it's a Level of Claim by class state with MERP as a class 7 claim. All executor costs, funeral costs, and costs to secure assets of the estate (like paying taxes, insurance, etc) are class 1-3 claims for TX. So merp recovery rates via probate process is somewhat lower due to this for TX if the State even files a class 7 Claim to probate court to begin with. If your state is such that all probate claims are equal, it's going to be different. Comprende?
If MERP will accept your paying the difference & provide a release, its going to be a simpler & sooner process to get property into your name IMHO. Property Taxes in most areas are due end of January, so think about how this affects the situation.
Also MERP has cost-effective constraints that the estate has to have a value of at least 3k or a recoverable value of over 10k. Based on what you wrote the property recoverable is right over the 10k......but 1 more tax payment will be under 10k. Good luck and get organized to get this dealt with!
The lien was in place, then you started to pay those taxes.
Your lien would come next. THEN, the remainder is divided by 2.
So..43,780 less 16,340 ( rounded to make this easier). Leaves $27,440
Then subtract your lien of 11,000. Leaves. 16,440
Each then get half...$8,220
The other way that might be calculated is to take all of it from you Moms half only, which would mean...$22,000 less 50% of MERP 8,000 is 14,000 after your taxes are paid back..Mom gets $3,000. This seems unfair...aunt should also have to pay half of the taxes. will have to sue and win the judgement...then you can put that as a lien on the property. Do not count on your Mom and aunt to pay that back to you without the judgement to collect in the closing.