My dad barely makes ends meet as is with his health issues. Now he has fallen and broken his pelvis. If he is not able to return to work what options do we have for care with no finances? If he is able to return to work, what options should we be looking at to make sure that he is able to continue to live independently and prevent future health incidents?
3 Answers
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What kind of work does he do, that might be affected by his hip fracture? And what has his ortho doctor said about functional recovery so that he can work again?
If he can't return to work, I would think that Medicaid and disability would be the best options. If he can go back to work, to continue to live on his own would include a lot of changes in the house. I think there's a thread specifically on this issue. If I can find it, I'll post the link.
As to prevention of future accidents, that topic is also included in the older thread, but it would include minimizing fall hazards (remove floor clutter, throw rugs), install grab bars in the bathroom and as handholds at strategic points in the house, move items in cupboards to lower levels which he can reach.
Another change to make is to get a medic alert button and install a lock box on the exterior of his house. This allows EMTs to get into the house if he does fall.
Some Senior Centers and hospitals have one-time classes/lectures on fall prevention. Attending one and reading up about falling would be helpful.
Also make sure his vision is checked and his ears are cleaned regularly and checked for any hearing deterioration. These are 2 of the factors that affect stability and falls.
Become acquainted with the local Area Agency on Aging; go to their expos as well as Senior Center expos on aging. Collect literature and review it to broaden your scope of caregiving possibilities and options.
Contact local county and state agencies for the aging; learn what services they offer. (Michigan has an Elder Law agency which provides limited free legal services for qualified seniors).
One suggestion is to call the State Medicaid office which has programs for those who are near poverty level to help people with medical payments, etc.
Signing up with the ACA [Obamacare] is another option, your Dad would find a health insurer that he could afford, Medicaid helps pay the balance.