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silverado1 Asked December 2016

Is there help available for a woman (90) to get hearing aids, who could never afford them on her own?

She would be receptive to making small monthly payments

GovScientist Jan 2017
On September 19, 2013, Cartwright and 12 other congressmen first introduced the legislation, called HEAR for short, that would extend Medicare coverage to hearing aids. At the time, the bill, which amends title XVIII (Medicare) of the Social Security Act, was co-sponsored by 25 other members of congress.Jul 9, 2015

AliBoBali Dec 2016
Have her ears checked for wax buildup first, and general assessment by ENT doc. If she needs an amplifying device also, there are some general hearing aids online for $150 each (I bought these particular ones off Amazon). They worked well for my grandmother, you can cut to size for exact fit.


GardenArtist Dec 2016
The Lions Club has a program for assistance. Contact them and ask for information to get in touch with the local rep.

There are income limits, so that could be an issue.

Google "lions club, free hearing aids"; the first non ad hit addresses the Lions Club hearing aid program.

silverado1 Dec 2016
What a quick response. Thank you so very much

JessieBelle Dec 2016
I forgot to mention that many people in their late 80s and 90s have neural hearing loss that isn't helped much with hearing aids. Amplifying sound in general can help someone with neural hearing loss. Some people are not even helped by that.

My father had almost complete neural hearing loss. My mother has about 50% hearing and fading. My father tried an amplifying hearing aid, but it did no good. My mother didn't get any hearing aids because her ENT told her that her hearing was normal for a woman her age and wasn't going to get better. I am glad he was honest, instead of trying to sell her hearing aids.

JessieBelle Dec 2016
This is a good question. Has she had her hearing checked to see if hearing aids would help? Medicare will cover a visit to an ENT to have the ears and hearing checked. I would make the ENT appointment before considering purchasing hearing aids if I were 90. Hearing aids are expensive, so she wouldn't want to buy them if they wouldn't be useful.


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