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haileybug Asked December 2016

Why would a skilled nursing home with a secured memory unit specialized for alzheimers and dementia deny a dementia patient?

If family member needs to be admitted to one of these facilities and they all have denied, what other options/resources do we have?

haileybug Dec 2016
Sunnygirl, the ALF just says he must move to a skilled nursing home because he is falling from his dementia and that it is just going to get worse. They don't say anything about helping to find him anywhere to transfer. My husband and I have been trying to help find him somewhere closer to home.

Yes, you are so right. We do need to insist on these facilities tell us why they are not accepting him

If there is a concern with these facilities accepting him, how can we get around this? If there is some concern, can't they accommodate his needs?

Thank you for your advice. I think you know exactly what you are talking about.

haileybug Dec 2016
Pamstegma, his insurance is not the problem. We do know that part thankfully.


haileybug Dec 2016
Fleqflyer, sorry I am just seeing your post. When I contact skilled nursing homes, I always make sure they have open beds, care for dementia patients and insurance needs. Then I proceed with the referral. The facilities have not given us any reasons for denying him accept "we can not take him here".

We finally did have one facility to tell us he may not would be safe there and that his care exceeded what they could give him. They are a skilled nursing home, with a secure locked down memory care unit, so not exactly sure why they say this.

We will call them and ask for more explanation.

freqflyer Dec 2016
Haileybug, here the question you posted a couple of days ago, plus a list of answers.

Sunnygirl1 Dec 2016
As I recall, you posted before about the nursing homes denying your family member admittance. If all nursing homes and all Memory Care facilities are refusing to admit him, then, I'd insist on them providing a reason.

Have you reviewed his medical records? Is there a behavioral problem that causes the facilities concern? The facility that is currently in, can't just put him on the street. What do they say about finding a place for him to be transferred? What do they say as the reason they are not allowing him to stay?

Does he need to be in a hospital or Hospice center? Without knowing more about him as a patient, I have no idea what to suggest.

Does he have the funds to pay or is he on Medicaid or some state supported plan that coveres AL or Memory Care for the disabled? The facility has to be one that accepts that kind of payments.

pamstegma Dec 2016
If the Medicaid application was rejected, no facility will take the patient unless someone agrees to pay the bill.

freqflyer Dec 2016
Hailey, did the skilled nursing home give you a reason why a patient was denied admittance? Or was it a case where there were no beds available?


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