And Medicaid doesn't "take your savings." They expect you to use it on your own needs until it reaches a level consistent with their guidelines. For example, you could use some of it to put a new roof on your house. Buy a new car for you. Go on a last cruise together. You cannot give this money away but you can spend it. You can also spend it by paying for nursing home care until you are under the threshold and then Medicaid will pay for nh.
This is one of the reasons it may pay to consult an Elder Law attorney. Becoming qualified for Medicaid in the most advantageous manner is worth a lot!
Will the 2 retirement checks plus SS be enough to pay for the nursing home each month? Or will he need financial help from Medicaid? Medicaid has guidelines about how much the community spouse can keep for her (or his) own needs.
If your husband is likely to go into a nursing home it might be worth having a consultation with an attorney who specializes in Elder Law to learn how to best protect yourself. I don't think putting things in your name at this point will do any good.
3 Answers
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This is one of the reasons it may pay to consult an Elder Law attorney. Becoming qualified for Medicaid in the most advantageous manner is worth a lot!
If your husband is likely to go into a nursing home it might be worth having a consultation with an attorney who specializes in Elder Law to learn how to best protect yourself. I don't think putting things in your name at this point will do any good.