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MMPPL5 Asked January 2017

I'm afraid if we ignore grandmother in pain, we will get accused of neglect. What can we do?

I live with my grandmother, she recently fell very hard on the floor. She is bruised and refuses to go to the hospital. She has trouble breathing and refuses to leave the house at all. We do any errands for her. She will not go to the hospital but I can tell she is in bad pain. My mom has POA but my grandma says she doesn't care what we do, she will not go to the hospital. I'm afraid that if we ignore the fact she is in pain, we will get accused of neglect. Im more afraid that there is something more that is wrong with her. She is paranoid. Believes people want to kill her that is why she won't leave the house. We've been dealing with that but now she is hurt. I currently live with her but start college next week. I don't know what to do. She is 54 years old.

Veronica91 Jan 2017
Agree call 911 and let the EMTs assess her. If she could breath before she fell she may have broken ribs that have pierced a lung which is very dangerous. She may still refuse to go with the EMTs and that can't be enforced if she is still competent to make her own decisions but the EMTs can be very persuasive.

BarbBrooklyn Jan 2017
Call 911; let the EMTs determine what her medical and mental status is. It does not sound like she is competant to make these decisions herself.

Has she been diagnosed with a mental illness in the past?


dilofthedevil Jan 2017
Start by contacting her doctor and explaining the situation to someone there at the office. If assistance isn't offered through this source, if you believe your grandmother is injured, she is neglecting her own self. This needs to be reported to Adult Protective Services. Either way, this sounds like it certainly warrants follow up. Your mom, as POA is authorized by your Grandmother to act on her behalf, in her best interests. It doesn't sound like action is open for discussion, particularly if she is having difficulty breathing. Sounds emergent to me.


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