Mother owns two houses (next to each other) She lives on a very meager income and the Daughter lives in the house next door. The Mother has cancer and needs assistance, but will not go into a convalescent homeHospital. She wants to stay in her home. The family wants to get Hospice for their Mother. If she gets Hospice, can the state take her home(s) away from her?
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that Betty was there. The hospitals and nursing homes and hospice centers will still be there if they are needed. And as I understand it, if you end up needing Medicaid, they don't just take your mothers home. They file a lien. If the lien can't be paid off by the heirs, they sell the home, take the portion that they are owed and then the remainder is paid to the owners heirs. That happens after your mother has passed, needless to say. So now is the time to talk to the dr. To call hospice and learn all that you can. Now is the time for all of the family to be on notice to take care of themselves as they will need to rally around your mom and support the sister in taking care of mom. It's a time to pull together. Make sure mom has the necessary paperwork done. A DNR. Power of Attorney for medical and financial. A will. That her bank account has another name on it to pay the bills. That her beneficiaries are up to date on any life insurance policy she might have. If there is no help available be proud that your mom has been able to pay her own way by owning a home that she can exchange for her end of life care. You can find much of the information you need on this website. I'm sorry she is so ill. Take care and let us know how things are going.
Please note that Medicare does not do around the clock care. They will bring in someone during the day but for a hour or so. Thus the daughter would need to give her Mom care 24/7 and that can be exhausting. Mom could hire a caregiver to help give daughter a break.
Now, if the Mother needs to go onto Medicaid, that's different, as Medicaid would want to be paid for their care by way of assets, such as a house.