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N0barbiehere Asked February 2017

How can I get an emergency hearing regarding my grandmother's safety?

My grandparents are both in their late eighties. My grandmother has suffered two strokes which have rendered her unable to care for herself. My grandfather who has a history of abuse has become meaner than he has ever been before. He has isolated my grandmother from everyone despite his own absolute inability to care for himself, and certainly not her.
She is frightened and begs to die due to her fear of living another day under his rule.
I have contacted APS but they have been unable to coax him away long enough for my grandmother to speak candidly on her own behalf.
I am unsure what steps i can take to relieve them both of this god-awful situation.

Llamalover47 Feb 2017
Call APS.

JoAnn29 Feb 2017
I think this is something their children need to get involved in.


cece Feb 2017
The police.

peaceoftime Feb 2017
I would contact her primary care doctor as well as the local council on aging agency in your town to see what references they can provide. Primary care doctors may provide a social worker to help you work through the necessary services you need, and maybe they can contact Adult Protection Services for you.

littlebear28 Feb 2017
Sounds just like the situation that Jacqueline Marcell dealt with in the care of her elderly parents in the book "Elder Rage or Take My Father....Please!" I would recommend that book as it contains a lot of good advice and helpful resources available.

callen3x Feb 2017
I don't know what state you are in but in California you can apply for temporary conservatorship and ask for an emergency hearing. I helped a friend do this and she was heard by the judge very quickly. Her father had already appointed a Power of Attorney, so it did not go as expected. I think that had he not done that, the Judge would have appointed her. With conservatorship, you can then handle all of their medical and financial decisions. You don't need an attorney, you file in Pro Per. I hope this info is helpful. Good luck!

bigsispjt Feb 2017
I'm not sure what a PS is. However here and Pennsylvania where I live there is the Philadelphia Corporation for aging and there is an elder abuse hotline that you can call. Once you call that hotline they absolutely have to come out and see your grandmother. It's kind of like when you report abuse of a child. Do not give up do everything you can to get your grandmother some help. And it sounds like your grandfather can use some help too.

bluebonnets Feb 2017
Find a local elder lawyer experienced in handling elder abuse ( and ask for an initial free or low cost consultation. APS is generally overburdened and understaffed.

freqflyer Feb 2017
N0barbie, I am moving this post back to the front of line. Hopefully someone who has had this experience will be able to give you an answer.


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