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PAlynn Asked February 2017

My father needs easy to prepare meal ideas. Any suggestions?

I don't know where else to put this question, so I am placing it in this category. My 79 yo mother has dementia and has had many health issues this past year. My 74 yo father has fragile health (2 bypass surgeries, chronic angina, pacemaker, stent, cancer) for the past 23 years, but has taken over being her caregiver. I try to do as much as I can to help out around the house, and we (myself and a few family members) have been bringing them meals each night for the past 9 months. He wants to become more independent and start fixing meals himself. Mom ALWAYS did the cooking. Dad worked and provided, she ran the house. I am out of ideas. Does anyone have suggestions for simple meals that he can prepare on his own? He gets severe heartburn/acid reflux if he eats spicy food or tomato based sauces, so that leaves out quite a few meal options. He does want to start eating their large meal at lunchtime, which should help out with this problem. Please understand, we are still willing to cook for them, this is his idea. I would appreciate any help or suggestions.

dilofthedevil Feb 2017
I would suggest you contact your local area on aging chapter and get your parents started on Meals On Wheels. Its a wonderful program, available to all seniors. They provide Lunch and Dinner M - F and expect no fee in return, rather voluntary donations if so desired. My Mother In Law was not able to prepare meals for herself and was forgetting to eat before we initiated Meals On Wheels for her. It bought her a year of independence. I highly recommend it for the wholesome, well-balanced food it affords our loved ones who are having difficulty with meal prep for one reason or another.

geewiz Feb 2017
Can he get to a supermarket or does family do all of the grocery shopping? For simple meals I like the rotisserie chickens. Add some steamed veggies (that he should be able to handle with some guidance) and he has a meal.


JessieBelle Feb 2017
I like simple meal ideas, too. Some things I like to buy are the frozen crunchy fish fillets and breaded shrimp. These can be popped in the toaster oven for about 20 minutes and it's the start of a good meal. The cooked chicken breasts are also a good idea. There are so many things I can't even begin to list them all. I normally spend 15-20 minutes cooking a nutritious meal each night. I hate cooking, so I look for the easiest things I can find.


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