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DFlower Asked February 2017

Has anyone experience HealthSharing programs like Liberty HealthShare instead of health insurance?

There are few health sharing groups (MediShare, Samaritan, CHM). I am considering Liberty for my dad (86 in great health) since he won't have Medicare, Medicaid. I got a quote of $199/month, plus $80/month for few months in their High Track program for high blood pressure. He can use any doctor, hospital, etc. However, not many doctors are familiar with this co-op of share payment in the Southwest.

DFlower Feb 2017
I've read their site and different sites'reviews, plus I called and ...My understanding is one gets a wellness visit with lab work, x-ray, colonoscopy, prostate exam after the $500 unshared annual criteria is met. Pre-existing is not covered in the 1st year. Then is phased-in gradually. High blood pressure is not considered a pre-existing condition by them. I'm doing more research at the moment with different insurances too. Thanks for any inputs.

pamstegma Feb 2017
Read the fine print. They do not cover pre-existing conditions. They do not cover health maintenance. They do not have a network of physicians. No network of hospitals. A network is a provider who agrees to take your insurance. Always read the fine print.



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