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keepingitreal Asked February 2017

What is it when a person thinks they have been given information that they haven't?

A person is trying to confirm in formation they believe they have been given.They are accepting of the fact they were never given this information but concerned as to why they are thinking these things.

Sendhelp Mar 2017
Confabulation is not lying.

Sendhelp Mar 2017


cdnreader Mar 2017
Dear keepitreal,

I would review their medications and see if this way of thinking is one of the side effects. If there is any change in personality or thinking, its always wise to keep digging to figure out why there is a change.

jeannegibbs Mar 2017
Do you mean like this?

Am I supposed to meet you at 10:00 by the clock tower tomorrow?
No. I did not suggest that or tell you that.
Oh! I wonder what made me think that?

My mother would sometimes say to us kids when we were still kids and at home, "Is such and such happening today, or did I dream that?" And we'd say, "It must have been a dream. That isn't happening today." We assumed she had the most realistic dreams possible. But she understood there was a sense of unreality about this idea. Never any harm done and she had no other signs of cognitive problems.

This was very different 60 years later when she had delusions. For all I know they could have started out as a dream, but she accepted them as truth and never asked for confirmation. "Is Dad's fishing trip ending today?" [He died 18 years ago.]

I don't know what you call the situation you describe. I wouldn't call it a delusion if they are easily convinced that what they said is not true. Could it be a carry-over from a dream? Wishful thinking?

In some kinds of dementia, the line between being awake and asleep gets blurred. Dreams can seem real.

What does it seem to be to you?


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