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Corbette Asked March 2017

My grandpa (97) has recently been accusing my grandma of sneaking a man in their house. Is this a sign of dementia?

I am so blessed to still have both grandparents and both is relatively good health. My 92 grandmother and his bride for 60+ years of sneaking a man in their house. He breaks out in tears and gets angry that no one believes him. Is this a sign of dementia? My mom and her sisters are at a loss of what to do to help them. This is hurting my grandmother to constantly be accused of this. He talks about it for hours on end.

freqflyer Mar 2017
Yes, this is a sign of dementia. I feel so sorry that your Grandmother is having to hear this from her husband.   If only there was some way to distract him and get him onto another subject.... [sigh].

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