I live in Philadelphia Pennsylvania n I have had the DPOA since 2001n in August 2016, a Incapacitated petition in Orphans Court in Philadelphia Pennsylvania was filed by PCA. As 2 the REASON or PROBABLE CAUSE 4 this action, I can tell u that I have yet 2 no what trigger this action as of this date 03/26/2017. N b cuz I wasn't notified by no 1, the hearing was held without my presence nor my mother's presence . The hearing was continued till November 2016 n b cuz of my kid sister being notified by PCA, she got in contact with me n she advised me of the hearing. So in November 2016 I attended the hearing n I had advised the Court n PCA of my possession of the DPOA 4 my mother, n that I was officially asking 4 legal representation 4 my mother. The Judge order a Court appointed Attorney 4 my mother n continue the hearing till December 2016. That hearing in December 2016 was continue till January 2017. But later that month it was reschedule by the Court 4 February 2017 n on that day I was expecting 2 b called 2 testified, but not only was I not called 2 testified but I wasn't even given the opportunity 2 say or talk at all. From the very first day of the appointment of the Attorney appointed by the Court 2 represent my mother, there was no counsel by the Attorney representing my mother n me. At the most she the Attorney rarely spoke with me, after her first interview with me. N on my second contact with her the Attorney I asked her what was the CAUSE or nature of the complaint, she replied 2 me that she doesn't no b cuz the file is sealed by the Court n that the only thing she no's is what she has heard about me of which she didn't discuss with me either. On February 2017 that day I was expecting 2 take the stand 2 testified, but was never called 2 the stand nor was I even given the opportunity 2 address the Court. The only people 2 testified was a Psychologist 4 PCA who testified that she the Psychologist had evaluated my mother at my mother's resident n that based on that evaluation she believes that my mother should b INCAPACITATED. The second person 2 take the stand was my older sister, who testified that she is willing 2 take GUARDIANSHIP of my mother n would take my mother 2 live with her in Florida where she my sister was currently residing. Now by I logging into the Phila.Gov web site a public web site that has Court information I was able 2 c the Court Order pertaining 2 my mother, n it appears that the Judge ruled that my mother is INCAPACITATED n order GUARDIANSHIP of my mother 2 b shared by my older sister n a person of no relationship 2 my family. Now I am confused b cuz if my sister lives in Florida n my mother is a resident of Pennsylvania, n the second person sharing GUARDIANSHIP also lives in Pennsylvania how can my mother go 2 live in Florida. N I ask when where n why was my DPOA ever revoked. I feel something obviously does not make sense, did I do something inappropriate. Or if some 1 made the claimed that I did, then y was it not mention or talk about me with me in Court . Since when all alleged accusations about a person or the right of the accused n right 2 challenge the allegations r taken away, n also not given the opportunity 2 challenge it in a Court of Law. Please n e 1, help me 2 understand I don't no what 2 do or what could I do. Better yet what would u do. I wish 2 thank n e n every 1 that could help me with this problem in advance.
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