There is a strong possibility that you will be penalized for the gifting of the money from the sale of your home and property. Medicaid looks back 5 years to see if any assets have been divested.
You may be required to private pay the nursing home until the equivalent of the money you gifted is exhausted, and then you can re-apply for Medicaid.
Please double-check this information with the billing coordinator or financial services office at the nursing home, or the medicaid office in your town.
Depending on where you live, nursing home care can be well over $7,000 per month.
You need to apply for medicade . They will take your social security and give you a small amount each month for allowance. However you will have to report that you gifted the house money to your son. It takes about three months to find out if you qualify. The nursing home can help you apply. You will need copies of all your financial records; recent bank statement, social security ck, car registration, and mortgage paperwork. Ask the financial office at the NH for help.
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You may be required to private pay the nursing home until the equivalent of the money you gifted is exhausted, and then you can re-apply for Medicaid.
Please double-check this information with the billing coordinator or financial services office at the nursing home, or the medicaid office in your town.
Depending on where you live, nursing home care can be well over $7,000 per month.