If the patient, with severe dementia is taken by ambulance from MC to ER, how is the DNR order handled? If the hospital needs the original gold paper order, who transports it there? I had an incident last night and realized that the DNR stays in the facility. Does anyone know how that works? This was a fall and no cardiac issue was involved, but, it could have been.
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How is your cousin doing?
Oh well, I guess, I'll have to get some copies, scan and try to get it to all hospitals that she may end up at . And chat with the MC director about their policy.
The hospital was one that our whole family uses, thus everything has been scanned into their computer system. So any time one of us goes in, all the paperwork, including DNR, Power of Attorney, and HIPAA are already there. We have the ACA [Obamacare] to thank for this state-of-the-art system that is required in all hospitals and doctors offices.