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cr0105 Asked June 2017

Could hearing decline just be ear wax?

I had a large chunk removed from my own ear ( was disgusting!!) me wondering if Mom's failing hearing just MIGHT be from ear wax? Anyone else seen that?

Salisbury Jun 2017
The secret is hydrogen peroxide. amazing. Wax just dissolves I pour little from a warmed cup into my husband's ears each week. ( I warm the cup first, put the peroxide in, and then it is the right temp).

He sits at table with head on pillow. when he turns his head, the wax falsl out onto a cloth.

Very easy.

happyjack Jun 2017
Having worked in an ENT office, I remember how large some people's ear wax plugs could be. The condition is called ceruminosis. The doctor used a large syringe like apparatus and would shoot warm water into the ear canal and out the wax would come. Sometimes the doctor would use an instrument that had pinchers that were attached to a scissor like instrument to pull the wax out. Patients were sometimes amazed at the improvement in their hearing. And, yes, don't use Q-tips!


jeannegibbs Jun 2017
Yes. Happened with my mother periodically.

freqflyer Jun 2017
My Mom had ear wax but she didn't like the hot water that was used. She wanted luke warm and nothing else. Of course, no wax would come out. In her mind, she had her ears cleaned.... [sigh]. One ear doctor used long tweezers type instrument and he was able to get some out.

Mom used her hearing aids, but they never worked right due to user error. Heck, an old fashioned ear trumpet would have worked better :P

AliBoBali Jun 2017
I had a nurse and a hearing aid tech both tell me that a high percentage of hearing loss in elderly can be improved by flushing/cleaning out the wax. I thought my dad needed hearing aids. I had his ears cleaned and he's fine. It's remarkable.

My grandmother had permanent hearing loss, and could have benefitted from a hearing aid, but just removing the wax did help things.  

anonymous476223 Jun 2017
Yes, my dad now requires ear wax removal every 3 months. The woman who did it says ear wax increases with age, so it's every important to check. Luckily, the facility brought in an ENT office to do just that...

Rainmom Jun 2017
Mine too.

Gershun Jul 2017
Well, Ali I think I'm just going to get my Hubs to pee in my ears.............but seriously I do believe removing ear wax would help a lot of people. I know my Mom used to get her ears cleaned out at the doctor and she said sometimes when he did it she would suddenly hear a loud pop and she could hear clearly.

Sendhelp Jul 2017
What? Did I hear that correctly? I heard that the brats on "Caregivers Behaving Badly"
are really missing your sense of humor.

To others who have just mentioned a hearing problem within the past hour...don't get paranoid.
My experience on AC has been one coincidence after another, even if I am only thinking it!!
The next thing I read is talking about the same subject!

Weird, huh?

MsMadge Jun 2017
Wish that would help mom who's nearly deaf in one ear and getting worse in the other with otosclerosis

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